5th August 2014

The Scottish Peace Network held silent vigils in Glasgow yesterday during First World War commemorations, displaying a massive No Glory in War banner outside the Cathedral and in full view of the assembly at George Square while Prince Charles, David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Ed Milliband and representatives of Commonwealth countries paid tribute to the millions of First World War dead.
We held up banners that proclaimed No More Wars and Let our love for humanity beat louder than the drums of war in the midst of the crowd, which cheered marching military bands at the close of the commemoration ceremony.
Activists from Edinburgh Stop the War, Trident Ploughshares, Scottish CND, the IWW, Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, Scottish WILPF, Quakers, Anabaptists, the Iona Community, Scottish Christians Against Nuclear Arms and Fellowship of Reconciliation Scotland took part in the protest.
Faslane Peace Campers held up the massive No Glory in War banner in full view of Prince Charles and David Cameron as they left the Cathedral enroute to Glasgow’s George Square and again throughout the commemorations at the Square.