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The Scottish Peace Network consists of a number of peace organisations (click on the icons below to find out more about them) and individuals. If you would like to join us contact Arthur West on

Scottish CND
Scottish CND is one of the longest running peace organisations in Scotland (founded in 1958.) Campaigns for the abolition of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.

CAAT, the Campaign Against the Arms Trade, is a UK-based organisation working to end the international arms trade.

Peace & Justice
Peace & Justice is building a culture of peace in Scotland. We challenge militarism and systemic injustice and promote nonviolence, conflict resolution, disarmament, human rights and ecological sustainability. Our PeaceBuilders team teach conflict resolution in schools. We lead the effort to create a Memorial to conscientious objectors in Edinburgh. We are active in the Don’t Bank on the Bomb campaign and the Global Campaign on Military Spending. We advocate ending arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UK support for the war on Yemen. We’re making the links between militarism and the climate crisis and advocating reductions in military forces & deployments as essential to achieving zero carbon emissions.

Dove Tales
Dove Tales uses the arts to oppose the arms trade and challenge militaristic thinking

Stop the War Coalition
Edinburgh Stop the War Coalition.
Organisation which campaigns for peace
Organisation which campaigns for peace

Glasgow Catholic Worker
Glasgow Catholic Worker.
A community of Catholics living their faiths in partnership with people of other faiths
A community of Catholics living their faiths in partnership with people of other faiths

Gareloch Horties
Gareloch Horties, women's peace group.

Highlands Against Nuclear Transport
Highlands Against Nuclear Transport.
Campaign for nuclear waste to be retained on site.
Campaign for nuclear waste to be retained on site.

Trident Ploughshares.
Campaign to disarm the UK Trident nuclear weapons system in a nonviolent, open, peaceful and fully accountable manner.
Campaign to disarm the UK Trident nuclear weapons system in a nonviolent, open, peaceful and fully accountable manner.

Iona Community.
The Iona Community, as a radical movement and organisation, is committed to living out the Christian faith in the areas justice and peace. We reflect and act together, engaging locally, nationally and internationally in political life and the life of our churches and faith communities.
The Iona Community, as a radical movement and organisation, is committed to living out the Christian faith in the areas justice and peace. We reflect and act together, engaging locally, nationally and internationally in political life and the life of our churches and faith communities.

Scottish Palestine Solidarity
Scottish PSC.
An extension to the Palestinian struggle for freedom against Israel's programme of ethnic cleansing and genocide in Palestine.
An extension to the Palestinian struggle for freedom against Israel's programme of ethnic cleansing and genocide in Palestine.

Spirit of Revolt
Spirit of Revolt/Archive of Dissent Archive.
Collects, manages and preserves multi-media records from Glasgow’s and Clydeside’s anarchist and libertarian-socialist past and present. The website allows you to access the complete catalogue of our Archive. We work with Glasgow’s Mitchell Library. Furthermore, an increasing number of documents are digitised.
Collects, manages and preserves multi-media records from Glasgow’s and Clydeside’s anarchist and libertarian-socialist past and present. The website allows you to access the complete catalogue of our Archive. We work with Glasgow’s Mitchell Library. Furthermore, an increasing number of documents are digitised.

Women in Black
Women in Black.
A network of women world-wide committed to peace with justice and opposed to war and other forms of violence.
A network of women world-wide committed to peace with justice and opposed to war and other forms of violence.

Quakers in Scotland. Around 1650 George Fox founded the movement. Its dangerous ideas threatened the authorities, who gave it the derogatory nickname Quakers.
Their religious experience leads them to value truth, equality, simplicity and peace. They are called to live their lives in accordance with these values, even if they lead them into conflict with others or make them unpopular.
Their religious experience leads them to value truth, equality, simplicity and peace. They are called to live their lives in accordance with these values, even if they lead them into conflict with others or make them unpopular.

Faslane Peace Camp
Faslane Peace Camp. Anti-nuclear action since 1982
The Peace Camp consists of a line of caravans and buses along a short stretch of the A814 approaching Faslane.
The Peace Camp consists of a line of caravans and buses along a short stretch of the A814 approaching Faslane.

Industrial Workers of the World
Industrial Workers of the World and Scottish Education Workers' Network - their goal is to strengthen connections between education workers, students, and campaigners interested in helping bring about a radical change to the current top-down structure of the education sector.
They view themselves as 'whole workers' who view peace and justice issues and international worker solidarity as important to them as workplace concerns.
They view themselves as 'whole workers' who view peace and justice issues and international worker solidarity as important to them as workplace concerns.

Originated as a group of health workers campaigning against nuclear weapons and militarism. These remain important issues but it now has a wider remit 'to support health professionals from all disciplines to work together towards a world in which everyone can truly achieve and exercise their human right to health'.
Originated as a group of health workers campaigning against nuclear weapons and militarism. These remain important issues but it now has a wider remit 'to support health professionals from all disciplines to work together towards a world in which everyone can truly achieve and exercise their human right to health'.
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