The Scottish Peace Network is a network of groups in Scotland coming from a variety of different traditions which are united in opposing militarism and share a common vision for a peaceful Scotland. We will coordinate and jointly organise opposition to:
• the possession, use or threat to use nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction.
• all military aggression, in particular any armed aggression against others by our own government, alone or within NATO or any such military alliance.
• economic dependence on the production and trade of weapons systems that might be used to repress free expression, commit human rights violations or kill innocent human beings.
The Scottish Peace Network welcomes new member organisations, and participation in our events by all those who want to join with others to work for global peace and justice. It co-ordinates its activities with other established Scottish groups such as CAAT, SCND and Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre.
SPN was formed in the spring of 2014, when the British government made it clear that the official observance of the First World War Centenary would glorify this horrific war rather than tell the truth about it or address what lessons we might learn for today. Various events were held during the 4 year long centenary including an annual No More Wars presence on Armed Forces Day in Stirling, a Peace Vigil at the Buchanan Street steps, Glasgow, 5-6 pm, on the fourth Thursday of the month, and in Paisley bi-monthly. These regular events continue. Our activities are peaceful. We do not seek any confrontation with the police.
SPN takes a stand against wars as acts of terror by national governments in collusion with corporate profiteers. We honour those who refuse to bear arms, and those who resist the increasing militarisation of society.
We call for schools not bombs, healthcare not warfare, and good jobs for all; for scrapping Trident; and for withdrawing from NATO as an auxiliary to the US military.
We deplore the efforts to treat war as a career path for young people who may feel that society as currently structured has no place for them. Military recruitment in the schools is a travesty, full of jingoism and false promises. Schools must permit their students to hear a peace alternative to the propaganda delivered by military recruiters.
The Scottish Peace Network has maintained its opposition to war, imperialism, and militarism by focusing on what we as a society have done, and can continue to accomplish, though cooperation, collective action, and peaceful means. Through public events and actions we put forward the belief that it is not just possible but is up to us to make a better world. We are always making choices in our lives, and there are alternatives to the status quo. For the sake of our families, friends, workmates, and communities, we need to pursue them.
For updates and details of our projects and events visit our events and calendar pages
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© Scottish Peace Network